Friday, August 12, 2011

5 of 5 Paintings Complete!

5 of 5 paintings are now complete! My client should have received them today... I'm looking forward to her review. Once I know she has seen them first I'll be able to post the images on my website for you to see too.

LOL It's hard for me to let go of my work... there is so much time and care invested into each one. They literally become a part of my family.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mats Galore

Last June I had a person from North Carolina contact me about creating a series of floor mats for a beach house. Imagine my surprise and excitement to have someone from so far away interested in my work.

Since then I have been working fairly steadily to create a total of 5 mats. To date I have 3 completed and shipped. My work was described as "spectacular"... what a thrill! I am currently working on the remaining 2 mats.

40x57" Compass Rose
30x24" Sunflowers
40x24" Dolphin

In Progress:
30x30" Crab
30x30" Sea Turtle

It has been a unique experience working with someone I've never met but with the right questions and a cooperative client things have been going smoothly.

I'll soon be posting the 3 completed mats on my website so check back soon to see them!