Monday, February 21, 2011

Mats Galore

Last June I had a person from North Carolina contact me about creating a series of floor mats for a beach house. Imagine my surprise and excitement to have someone from so far away interested in my work.

Since then I have been working fairly steadily to create a total of 5 mats. To date I have 3 completed and shipped. My work was described as "spectacular"... what a thrill! I am currently working on the remaining 2 mats.

40x57" Compass Rose
30x24" Sunflowers
40x24" Dolphin

In Progress:
30x30" Crab
30x30" Sea Turtle

It has been a unique experience working with someone I've never met but with the right questions and a cooperative client things have been going smoothly.

I'll soon be posting the 3 completed mats on my website so check back soon to see them!